Category: Technology
What is eCPRI in 5G?
In this article we will discuss: Evolution towards eCPRI from 3G, 4G and 5G architectures. What are the requirements in 5G led to eCPRI. Finally a comparison between CPRI and eCPRI to give a clear picture on eCPRI in 5G.
Why do some websites not have www?
“www.” is the subdomain. For an example “” is a subdomain of “” main domain. What actually does usually is either of the domains are selected as main domain (canonical form) and make others to redirect to the main domain for convenience of the user. Conventionally, the “www” subdomain, contains the main website. This has…
Nuclear power plants: Is nuclear energy clean?
Is nuclear energy clean? It is simply a ‘yes’ but (there is always a but 😊) it depends on how the ‘clean energy’ is defined. Let’s dig in more on this topic in this magnificent article. Is nuclear energy clean energy, green energy or renewable energy? Here are the three common energy types related terms…
V2X Communication: What is V2X?
These days, almost all the devices, even simple ones, are connected, allowing them to perform functions that would otherwise be impossible due to their small size. While automobiles have long been capable of receiving information such as radio signals and satellite navigation, few have been completely “connected” and capable of two-way communication. If you already…
Effective performance of Nanorobots in medicine
Nano Technology is well known to be a great innovation in the world. The nanorobots (simple mechanical robots in nanoscale) are originated with the advancement of Nanotechnology. Recently, nanobots are performing numerous critical functions in various fields including medicine. Their performances in miniature world are much powerful that, they are used to accomplish tasks which…
How can fungi cause health problems?
Fungi cause human illnesses in three different ways: poisonings, parasitic infections, and allergic reactions. Some fungi produce toxic chemicals to protect themselves from parasites and predators. In small amounts, mold spores are harmless, but when they land on a damp spot somewhere in the house, they can start to grow and make house habitats.
Why hiccups occur?
Hiccups are unconscious contractions of the diaphragm. The diaphragm is the muscle that separates the chest from the abdomen which plays an important role in breathing. Those contractions are followed by a sudden shutting down of the vocal cords, which produces the characteristic “hic” sound.
Swelling: as a sign of injury
The enlargement of skin or muscles is visible as external swelling. It caused due to the increased movement of fluid and white blood cells into the injured area. The release of chemicals and the compression of nerves in the area of injury cause pain.
Less oil, fast cooking; Air-Frying
Rapid air technology is the technique used in air fryers. Here rapid air means hot air which circulated in high degrees. If the principle of the mechanism explains, it has a heating coil mounted above the food basket accompanied by a fan – and time and temperature control units are combined with the sensors.
How a message is delivered? in simple terms.
Have you ever wondered how your messages are delivered to a specific person you want to reach? Let me explain with some technical detail and a simple example. Imagine Anne wants to meet with Marie, so she writes a message to Marie that says, ‘Hello, let’s meet on Sunday.’ How is this message delivered to…