"This vial covers the full spectrum of the highly evolved Azeztulite energies, and can make one’s auric field into a radiant source of spiritual Light. All Azeztulites vibrate to the frequencies of the Nameless Light of the Great Central Sun, and when all types are brought together in this way, there is much beneficial power expressed through them! In addition, the Azeztulite 16 Vial facilitates conscious communication with the ancient Angelic being called the Azez."
—Robert Simmons
Original White/オリジナルホワイト
Red Fire/レッドファイアー
Satyaloka Rose/サチャロカ・ローズ
Satyaloka Yellow/サチャロカ・イエロー
Satyaloka Clear/サチャロカ・クリアー
Pink Fire/ピンクファイアー
Sanda Rosa/サンダローザ
Black Tourmaline/ブラックトルマリン
Honey & Cream/ハニー&クリーム
Himalaya Gold/ヒマラヤ・ゴールド
※Heaven & Earth社発行の台紙が付属します。
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