(平均樹齢25年,リュット・レゾネ)コート・ド・ボーヌ最南端、マランジュ最大の1級畑フュシエールから生まれる赤ワイン。ラズベリーや赤スグリなど、赤い果実のアロマが初々しい。味わいも素直でチャーミング。オークのニュアンスもバランスが取れ、ピュアな果実味が楽しめる。Harvests : Manual sorting followed by a vibrating sorting table. 100% de-stemmed. Vatting period lasts 15 days with minimum intervention.
Ageing : 12 months in 350 liter barrels (15 to 20% new barrels) and 4 to 6 months in vats before bottling.
Tasting : Powerful nose of small red fruits and undergrowth. A round, fleshy wine on the palate. Structured and robust with mineral notes and flint on the finish. A delicate, elegant and very indulgent wine.
The origins of the name La Fussi・・re are not certain. It may be derived from the names of the villages Fussey, Foissy (C・・te d’Or), Fuiss・・ (M・・connais) Fusciacu, domaine de Fuscius or the name of a Gallo-Roman man taken from his physical characteristics: fuscus meaning ”brown, dark, sombre”. However, in the absence of the existence of a Gallo-Roman domaine, we could simply interpret La Fussi・・re as meaning brown earth. Another possible explanation would be that the term Fussi・・re originates from the latin word Fascia meaning an elongated strip of land, whether that be a ploughed field or a vine terrace, stretching from one part of the hillside between two supporting walls.