Amanda Ginsburgs career has gone straight up in the last year. After she came out with her critically acclaimed debut album "Jag har funderat pa en sak" in 2018, the success continued with the Olle Adolphson scholarship, STIM scholarships and Swedens composers / lyricists Jazz Prize with the motivation: "There is an echo of our legendary jazz singers in her music. The ability to create new and extremely charming songs that are inspired by their history, but that speak with their own voice. " On February 7, 2019, Amanda received a Grammy for this years jazz album! This new release is Amanda´s second album "I det lilla hander det mesta" This is what Amanda says about the album, which she also describes as a direct sequel to the first: "Everyday life is an eternal source of inspiration and I like to dig into its strange patterns. It is in the small that most things happen, usually without one seeing it. These are also the things I can long for the most. When it gets too big, I rarely find the words."こちらの商品は輸入盤のため、稀にジャケットに多少のスレや角にシワがある場合がございます。
Strokes ストロークス / Room On Fire (帯付 / 輸入盤国内仕様 / ブルーヴァイナル仕様 / アナログレコード) 【LP】
Agustin Pereyra Lucena アグスティンペレイラルセナ / Agustin Pereyra Lucena(アナログレコード) 【LP】
Michael Jackson マイケルジャクソン / HIStory: Continues (2018 Picture Vinyl) (ピクチャー仕様 / 2枚組アナログレコード) 【LP】
【中古】 Ozzy Osbourne オジーオズボーン / 月に吠える 【LP】
【中古】 Sade シャーデー / プロミス 【LP】
Silverbacks / Easy Being A Winner (Coloured Vinyl) 【LP】
【輸入盤LPレコード】【新品】Paul Carrack / These Days【LP2018/12/7発売】(ポールキャラック)