In the beginning, there was Tenchi. Back when the only cure for an anime fix was a trip to the mall to load up on VHS tapes. Back when cable television first introduced this amazing new genre to American fans. The times may have changed since those good old days, but were thrilled to be bringing Tenchi back! a true classic never goes out of style, and Tenchi is the original anime harem comedy that started it all. Everyones favorite luckless hero is back for more intergalactic hijinks in Tenchi Universe, an alternate universe retelling of the original Tenchi canon. Seventeen year old Tenchi Masaki is a regular guy whose life takes a turn for the outrageous when Ryoko the stunning space pirate crashes at his grandfathers shrine. In the bat of an eye, Tenchi finds himself surrounded by a bevy of bodacious intergalactic beauties wholl do everything they can to make him late for class!こちらのDVDは輸入盤DVDです。リージョン=フリーのDVDプレイヤーでない場合、再生できない可能性があります。
コメント:In the beginning, there was Tenchi. Back when the only cure for an anime fix was a trip to the mall to load up on VHS tapes. Back when cable television first introduced this amazing new genre to American fans. The times may have changed since those good old days, but were thrilled to be bringing Tenchi back! a true classic never goes out of style, and Tenchi is the original anime harem comedy that started it all. Everyones favorite luckless hero is back for more intergalactic hijinks in Tenchi Universe, an alternate universe retelling of the original Tenchi canon. Seventeen year old Tenchi Masaki is a regular guy whose life takes a turn for the outrageous when Ryoko the stunning space pirate crashes at his grandfathers shrine. In the bat of an eye, Tenchi finds himself surrounded by a bevy of bodacious intergalactic beauties wholl do everything they can to make him late for class!
七つの大罪[DVD] 6 [特典CD付完全生産限定版] / アニメ
【10月4日20:00-10月9日1:59限定★エントリーでポイント10倍!!】 DVD / TVアニメ / GJ部@ (本編ディスク+特典ディスク) / VPBY-13890
DVD / TVアニメ / とある魔術の禁書目録III 第6巻 (DVD+CD) (初回仕様版) / GNBA-7846
【送料無料】刀剣乱舞-花丸- 其の五 DVD/アニメーション[DVD]【返品種別A】
【中古】探偵オペラ ミルキィホームズ【3】(初回限定特典(ねんどろいどぷち エリー)付き) [Blu-ray]
DVD / TVアニメ / キューティクル探偵因幡 Vol.1 / MFBC-35
【中古】NHKアーカイブス ドラマ名作選集 「氷 雨」 [DVD]